CFM’s Investors Club

Financial Independence Class

Congratulations! You have made it to or are nearing your financial apex. With an adequate nest egg (non-retirement and/or retirement), you’re interested in monetizing to supplement other income sources (employment, business ownership, pension(s), Social Security, rental income, and any other sources). Gaining financial independence should not be confused with not having to work at all. Rather, financial independence gives the freedom to make choices at will, enabling you to achieve what matters the most while not having to worry about earning money. Discussions and reviews with you would incorporate sophisticated technology to model tax efficiency, retirement forecasting, and legacy and estate planning as these subjects would likely be top priority during financial planning conversations. Virtual or in-person meetings may be more frequent depending on the complexity of your financial picture. Your comfortability is key!

Next Gen Class

You are the future of multi–millionaires and seeking financial independence. Whether you are early or established in your career, there is a clear mission to build your liquid net worth (retirement and non-retirement) with the intention of monetizing in the future. Some type of spending plan might be essential to ensure you are adequately saving and on track for your desired goals. With a busy professional and personal schedule, portfolio information and updates will be delivered right to you with modernized technology – accessible wherever you are and timing that you are comfortable with. Particular areas of the holistic financial planning approach will be prioritized to make the power of compounding our friend as well as the development and rollout of a tax-diversification strategy.

Investment Management Process

For CFM to make a suitable investment portfolio recommendation, a consolidated three step process must be consistently followed.


CFM wants to know you and clearly understand your short, intermediate, and long-term financial goals and objectives. Obtaining all necessary quantitative and qualitative data, including the completion of any applicable questionnaires, will be expected to adequately diagnose your risk tolerance and financial situation overall.


Once all the pertinent data and information are collected, we will analyze and then ultimately discuss the appropriate portfolio strategy. The results will take into consideration appetite for risk, time horizon, cash flow needs, tax efficiency/sensitivity, and any other necessary portfolio construction items.


A performance review with you and CFM will continuously occur to ensure we’re tracking towards achievement of your clearly defined financial goals and objectives while also maintaining your comfortability with the approach.